KKK’d With Care.

Plenty of room, in case you put on a little weight.

Mother Jones is running a photo essay by Great Neck, NY photojournalist / former Marine Anthony Karen, 42. The piece, utilizing text, audio, and pictures, documents the work of Ku Klux Klan seamstress, above.

Coming from five generations of Ku Klux Klan members, 58-year-old “Ms. Ruth” sews hoods and robes for Klan members seven days a week, blessing each one when it’s done. A red satin outfit for an Exalted Cyclops, the head of a local chapter, costs about $140. She uses the earnings to help care for her 40-year-old quadriplegic daughter, “Lilbit,” who was injured in a car accident 10 years ago.

Amazing. You gotta admire their dedication to arts & kkkrafts.



#1 Testify on 10.10.08 at 3:57 pm

Ha! I totally kkkoncur!

#2 Charlie W on 10.15.08 at 7:44 am

As for her daughter being named “Lilbit”, maybe she’s a 50 Cent fan?

#3 Xortrax on 08.07.11 at 4:57 pm

Obama is filled with more hate than any Klansman could hope to be.

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