The Ugly Truth About Sarah.

“Don’t hate me ’cause I’m beautiful!”

With McCain-Palin now lying at the bottom of the ocean, and the ship’s rats swimming away from the wreck, the truth is now coming out about what a fistful Sarah Palin was to deal with.

According to The Huffington Post,

Now that the 2008 election is over, reporters are spilling all the juciest, and previously off the record, gossip from the campaign trail. Much of it is about the infighting between Palin and McCain’s staff, as Newsweek‘s treasure trove of post-election gossip reveals.

However, perhaps one of the most astounding and previously unknown tidbits about Sarah Palin has to do with her already dubious grasp of geography. According to Fox News Chief Political Correspondent Carl Cameron, there was great concern within the McCain campaign that Palin lacked “a degree of knowledgeability necessary to be a running mate, a vice president, a heartbeat away from the presidency,” in part because she didn’t know which countries were in NAFTA, and she “didn’t understand that Africa was a continent, rather than a series, a country just in itself.”

It gets worse, and I’m not even going to spoil it for you. Watch the clip, and hear about her tantrums and infighting, then read about her other clothing sprees, the boner-rific way she once greeted McCain staff, and why she was silent during McCain’s concession speech. 2012 awaits, bay-bee!



#1 Lena West on 11.06.08 at 2:53 pm

I love how, in the FOX video, O’Reilly refers to reports of Sarah Palin’s excessive shopping and expensive wardrobe as “nit picking”, but the Republican party has called for an investigation into President Elect Obama’s use of the campaign plane to visit his dying Grandmother.

Republican conservatives like him, who refuse to see his own party’s wrong-doings (Elizabeth Hasselbeck anyone?), make all Republicans look like unyielding freight trains – which they are not.

#2 tallulahbankhead on 11.07.08 at 11:13 am

The Wasilla hillbillies line exposes the class hypocrisy that is the GOP. And I am so very glad.

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