Available in XS-XL for $16 ($22 in heather gray), this t-shirt, above, boasts an outline of the U.S. map that, celebrating our recent general election’s outcome, forms the words, “UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT.”
But given the passionate American outburst over Barack Obama and his ascension, not to mention the upcoming inaugural, perhaps, evoking singer Miki Howard’s exultant 1989 hit, right, that shirt should read “IN LOVE UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT.” You know what I mean?
And, in a related-unrelated, here’s a surprise that surprised me: Squint and check the director’s credit on Howard’s video.
That’s right: It’s Mark Romanek, creator of such luminous masterworks as Lenny Kravitz’s “Are You Gonna Go My Way,” Fiona Apple’s “Criminal,” Nine Inch Nails’ “Closer,” Janet Jackson’s “Got ‘Til It’s Gone,” Michael Jackson and Janet Jackson’s “Scream,” Jay-Z’s “99 Problems,” Johnny Cash’s “Hurt,” and a heckova bunch more. Apparently, he shot this during his salad days. (Looks like he left it off of his videography, too.) Well, everybody had to start somewhere.
[via BoingBoing]
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