Martha Washington, Upper West Side Deb and Us Weekly Associate Editor.

Young Martha Washington by Michael Deas

I’m as interested in correcting fake history as the next guy, and, sure, in her paintings, Martha Washington looks like she was never any other age than 70.

But in this image created by portraitist Michael Deas, above, oddly enough, the mother of our country looks like one in the endless parade of 24-year-old white trust fund chicks who overpopulate New York City.

This likeness, says the artist’s web site,

was based primarily on a computer generated age-regression image created by an Louisiana State University forensic anthropologist. Contrary to popular belief, Martha Washinton was not a dowdy matron, but a witty, astute, and ardent patriot who followed her husband into battle, even encamping with him during the bitter winter at Valley Forge. The portrait is the Nation’s first glimpse at what Martha Washington looked like prior to her marriage to her famous husband.

I’m gonna send ol’ Martha a query letter and some of my clips.



#1 Like the portrait on 07.04.09 at 10:21 am

You’re right. All we’ve seen are those portraits of Martha Washington when she was a senior citizen. Good work.

#2 wow on 11.23.09 at 11:23 am

uh………………….. is this a REAL picture of her??????

#3 maryland on 11.02.10 at 4:59 pm

she is pretty george was lucky to have a such wonderful women who was brave and discase her self as a men and fight in the american revoluchion . i picked her for my famous person for that batle .the american revolution .u rock martha .ur the best hero ever.

#4 Angel on 11.17.10 at 6:51 pm

Hay can I till you something I am doing a colonial prudjict on on Martha Washington. She is nice woman i am proud of her and i love your art work.

#5 Angel on 11.17.10 at 6:53 pm

Hay can I till you something I am doing a colonial prudjict on Martha Washington. She is nice woman i am proud of her and i love your art work.

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