Excellent NY Times pic by photog Christopher Polk, above top, documents Kanye West’s September 13, 2009 bogart of MTV’s Video Music Awards 2009 stage. The act led to his web site apology, above, that same night, but not before he was ejected from Radio City Music Hall.
Best part: Taylor Swift’s “Huh?” expression, and the fact that the hostess in the back doesn’t even know what’s happening yet, either.
lol @ the hostess
I still don’t understand what he was thinking when he did this. I’m a fan, but he needs to grow up in that department. Great capture by NYTimes!
Pure bad manners. I doubt if he would have taken the mike off of a man? I don’t care who’s video is ‘best’.
This is crass and bullying, who does he think he is?
He needs to learn ” Threat as you would like to be treated” Tosser!
Yikes. That was rude of him. But a brilliant way to generate publicity.
Halfway down is Obama calling him a jackass…..
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