Somehow I overlooked this: Last year, 2008, was the 45th anniversary of Alfred Hitchcock’s nightmarish, 1963 classic, The Birds. To commemorate the release, and create new relevance for Barbie—a toy which has seen serious drops in its popularity over the last several years—Mattel created this Alfred Hitchcock’s “The Birds” Barbie® Doll.
Decked out in the classic mint green ensemble Melanie Griffith’s mom, Tippi Hendren, wore in her debut film role, the figurine also sports a stylish handbag and three viciously attacking ravens. Absent, of course, because it’s Barbie: The terrified expression Hendren wore through out the entire film as the fowls tried to take her head off. It’s $40 from Barbie Collector, but, right now, Entertaiment Earth has ’em for less than $25. Want one? Like Tippi, better move yo’ behind.
I wouldn’t buy the doll, but if someone would care to make that outfit in my size, I’be all over it.
I dunno, she looks pretty worried about those birds. And damn, that is a great suit.
Normally I wouldn’t order a doll, but a bizarre bird-attack Barbie that is an official product related to a movie that scared me as a kid and that I still love today? That is just too good to pass up.
Yes, I ordered a Barbie and it will look great on my desk at work! People will be jealous, you’ll see!
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