Cuckoo For Coco’s Puffs?


Hey: Did you ever lie awake at night and wonder, “What would it feel like to be Ice-T’s wife, Nicole ‘Coco‘ Austin: Lying on the beach, getting a tan, and looking at the world from between my ginormous, saltwater-filled ta-tas?”

screen5I know I sure have. That’s why I was so startled when the cello-esque Coco, right—nude model, actor, and dancer—posted this disconcerting POV shot, above, on Twitter:

This is my view when I tan. Honestly, my boobs don’t look this big, it has to do w/the cameras perception

Well, Coco, they do say the camera adds ten pounds.

(Also, I just noticed another odd optical illusion: Coco says that her jugs are fake while her butt is real. But if you take the above right photo, then scroll down and cut it off just above the small of her back, it looks like the neck and cleavage of a woman with implants. Weird.)

800px-ice-t_and_coco_at_the_tribeca_film_festivalIn the spirit of full disclosure, I’ve known Ice-T, right, casually, for years, have met his lovely wife, and she’s quite sweet. In fact, in the YouTube, below, Ice talks about the moment he first saw the woman he’d eventually marry.

What’s most striking about his description of the events, though, is the utterly un-baller way their chance meeting proceeds. I mean, telling her how beautiful she is? Magic tricks? Playa….

But, then, on the other hand, it worked, right? Who’s to argue with breas…er, I mean success?

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1 comment so far ↓

#1 .elise.anne. on 11.17.09 at 3:00 pm

Mr. Harry Allen,

I respect what you write on racism and multiculturalism a lot.

But it is time to start speaking out on the system of sexual objectification and commodification of women and women’s bodies.


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