Demi Moore, Fashion Victim: Why Is @MrsKutcher Missing A Piece Of Her Hip? Looks Like W Magazine’s Rampant Photoshopping’s To Blame.


As opposed to being called a “cougar”—actor Demi Moore, 47, is famously married to 16-years-younger actor Ashton Kutcher, 31—W magazine’s December cover subject, above, says, in the mag’s profile, that “I’d prefer to be called a puma.”

Well, whatever the large cat, it looks like one of ’em just took a bite out of her hip.

The effect is subtle, which may be why it seemingly didn’t catch the eyes of W‘s certainly fastidious photo execs. (Or maybe they just hoped that you wouldn’t notice it.)

But you can clearly see it in the image, below: There, by Moore’s left hand, near her fingers, a piece of olive fabric rests against her leg.


By her wrist, however, the cloth curves around…nothing. It just sits in space above her leg. Also, when one compares the line of her leg, it’s almost like the top piece goes in, but the lower piece of it juts out. Like, if you took the cloth away, she’d have, not just a notch in her belt, but one in her thigh. Eeeeww.

It isn’t a question of whether or not Photoshop has been used, when it comes to crafting beauty and fashion images these days, and hasn’t been for years. It’s more an issue of how much. Indeed, images have always been retouched. However, now, what comes out of a camera is merely the start point of a digital process, transforming an incredible sight into an ostensibly perfect one.

ralphbloodylaurenagainOf course, the problems occur when the goal of perfection—an unattainable one—goes buck nuts. That’s what it did in the widely documented Ralph Lauren “lollipop head” fiasco, right.

But even where the effect is subtle—believe that hip’s not the only place the lovely Ms. Moore has been “fixed”—the wide spread of reworked images means that the pictures women, particularly, tend to see of themselves have been, like a Fast & the Furious tuner car, airbrushed and detailed.

That’s a point the Dove Campaign for Real Beauty made spectacularly, with their stunning “Evolution” spot, below, watching as an otherwise ordinary woman is turned into a high-gloss fashion model. What comes home with brilliance is the degree to which the people we idolize for their looks are, essentially, constructed.

Of course, every time some mag let’s us see that the Wizard of Oz is just some man pulling levers behind a curtain, that point gets closer to where we live. Hopefully, more and more people—especially young girls suffering from the weight of impossible standards—are getting the message.

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[via BoingBoing]


1 comment so far ↓

#1 Shayna on 11.18.09 at 10:50 am

This trend of death-camp photoshopping is beyond disgusting…it’s 2009 and 70s style anorexia is still the beauty standard…aren’t we better than this yet?

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