Entries Tagged 'Fashion' ↓

Taking the Unity Theme Just a Bit Too Far.

“I see ties and pantsuits of blue…clouds of white…and I think to myself…what a wonderful worrrrrrld….”

I completely did not catch this until the adroit Living in Small Sizes pointed it out: Did anybody notice that when Hillary Clinton emerged from her lair, under a conciliatory agreement to campaign with Barack Obama for his presidential run, she did so only under the completely humiliating condition that Obama’s ties match her pantsuits?


“So comfortable…so colorful…so…*pirate*!!”

Yeah, that caption (“Where’s me Aye-pod?”) is dumber than a bag of hammers. But I love it. Or, should I say “aye” love it?

Thirteen colors. Only $18.95; $2 more for larger sizes.

No More Coin Slots: FLDS Comes Out With a Line for Kids

That’s relatively monochrome.
Dressed for every occasion: FLDS women

I probably get asked this question more than any other one. “Harry,” a friend will say, “I’d like to dress my kids in FLDS clothing, but the group is so cut off from the outside world, I don’t know where to begin looking. What should I do?”

My answer? Go to their web site. Because of overwhelming demand for their modest, Western prairie settler-styled ankle-length dresses and rugged boys work shirts—due to the visibility created in the April raid by Texas authorities on the Yearning for Zion Ranch—the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is now selling a kids line, online.

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Keeping Bloggers Best-Dressed

“Who stole my underwear?”

Though it’s currently out-of-stock and nearly two years old, I just go to glee every time I see this videoconferencer’s dream come true: The Business Bib.

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Rihanna’s “Umbrella” Pants?

“Ay. Ay. Ay.”

I think part of why I so dig Go Fug Yourself is that, while I love fashion—the creativity of it—I detest the fashion business. I detest the hype and flakiness of what surrounds the marketing of apparel.

I detest listening to women on TV talk in that breezy way they do about the “shapes” that are “in” “this year” or “this season,” and the color that “everyone’s going crazy for.”

Why? When I think about it, what I most dislike about that way of speaking is that it lacks precision. It sounds like someone trying to sway people with words they’re making up on the fly, hoping that the audience won’t catch on by the time that they’re done.

It’s like, for example, the way some musicians will say, “Yeah, man, everything’s cool and laid back. I’m just rollin’, man. (Big smile lights up his face.) Takin’ it easy.”


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Ruslana Korshunova, 1987-2008


That’s some hair you got, Ruslana…While it’s always tragic when a young person kills herself, I wasn’t inclined to eulogize Ruslana Korshunova, 20, the pretty Kazakh model who apparently jumped to her death from her 9th floor apartment this past Saturday. I’d never heard of her, though, clearly, I probably saw her, based on the level and prominence of the work she was doing—ads for DKNY, Marc Jacobs, Vera Wang, or this Pantene piece, above, featuring her lengthy and much idolized tresses.

However, a couple of details concerning her death have stuck with me.

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Someone, Please: What in the World Was Charlize Theron Thinking?


I dig anything that shoots holes in celebrities and the myth that they’re smarter, better, prettier, or, in any way, superior to regular people. So, I gets down for TMZ on the daily; love the “celebrities without make-up” subgenre; but Go Fug Yourself is the celeb site that I most want, somehow, to get on TV and satellite.

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Looks Like Hermione’s Casting a Totally Different Kind of Spell

“I’m all grown up, baby….”

Having turned eighteen in April, actor Emma Watson is now getting access to more than just bigger digital boobs, or her $20 million Harry Potter/”Hermione Granger” fortune: She’s getting grown-up-style endorsements: A reported $5.8 million, 2-year deal to replace Keira Knightley as the new face of Chanel fragrance, just like BWE.tv proudly noted.

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And That Cup is Packed with C-4: Rachael Ray’s Keffiyeh Controversy

“I’m taking the whole donut shop with me me!!”
“Is that a fashionable scarf, or are you just happy to terrorize me?”: Rachael Ray, meet Yasser Arafat, late head of the PLO

Late last week, Good Morning America took on the the tempest-in-a-thimble over Rachael Ray’s scarf, doing so, actually, sensibly.

Conservative bloggers had raised the the charge that Ray’s scarf, in the print ad, above, was a keffiyeh. This, “for the clueless,” as screechy Fox News commentator Michelle Malkin warmly explained on her web site,

is the traditional scarf of Arab men that has come to symbolize murderous Palestinian jihad. Popularized by Yasser Arafat and a regular adornment of Muslim terrorists appearing in beheading and hostage-taking videos, the apparel has been mainstreamed by both ignorant (and not so ignorant) fashion designers, celebrities and left-wing icons.”

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Fashion Statement.

You wear it well.

I have a colleague who says that, if one were to sum up the relationship between white people and non-white people, from white people to non-white people, globally, the best way to describe it, in toto, would be with what he calls the Three T’s: Tacky, Trashy, and Terroristic.

Defiant!I thought of his words when I saw this stylish little number, above on the web: A hoodie with the words, “WHO KILLED OBAMA?” emblazoned across the chest. Continue reading →