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I’d Like a Refund, Please.

This book is *amazing*…for me to *poop* on!

The Morning After.


What Obama supporters feel, now that the campaign is over, according to The New York Times“Election Day WordTrain.”

Where’s Your Head At?

What the voters feel.

The New York Times‘s “Election Day WordTrain,” above, shows the aggregate mind states of the concerned electorate. Readers enter a one-word description in fields the Times provided on the page. Above, in black, is, over the course of the day, so far, how all respondents feel.

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Now, That’s How You Foil an Assassination Attempt.

“Say WHAT?”

As expected, EA’s Mercenaries 2: World in Flames (Xbox 360/PS3) is, reportedly, execrable, and Gearfuse.com calls it “the most mediocre game ever.” But this promised DLC (downloadable content) pack, letting you play as Sarah Palin or Barack Obama, has got to be the chilly-most-sweet thing ever for the next two hours.

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Tuesday Night Nightmare.


People jumping off of bridges, running for their lives, standing in front of moving vehicles…let’s hope that it’s only a dream.

[via The WOW Report]

Man, That’s Just Wrong.

Gimme a nice big kiss!

You may or may not think U.S. secretary of state Condoleezza Rice is an attractive woman, and, politically, she’s certainly reprehensible, if not criminal.

“Murderer!”But, wow: Beyond the Punchline‘s Kevin Robertson went for both sets of jugulars in this caricature, above, of Condi’s encounter last fall with CodePink protester Desiree Farooz, right. Broo-tal, dude.

McCain and Obama Beheaded and Dipped in White Chocolate.


Sike. They’re actually just clay molds for Madam Tussauds Wax Museum‘s upcoming sculpts of the two politicos. Relax.

Keep Hope Alive.

“Where’s my Oscar?”

It almost goes without saying that Shepard Fairey’s posterized image of Barack Obama, below right, is the definitive graphic of the Love me.candidate’s campaign. This is saying a lot, in a contest long overflowing with visual irony, metaphor, allusion, and symbology.

This hasn’t, in any way, however, halted the creation of—as I write this—dozens upon dozens of parody poster images. There are at least eighty-nine (89!) at Rene Wanner’s Poster Page, including the Bob Hope jab, above. Plus, many more can be found elsewhere on the web; for example, the slightly creepy, They Live!-ish Believe poster, below, and a sampling of others, beneath.

Enjoy, and don’t forget to vote!

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That’s What’s Going Down.

Things are not looking good.

Director Charles Stone III’s original 2000 “Wassup!” commercial for Anheuser-Busch may be one of the best-known TV ads ever made. It’s easily the most parodied. Not only did it inspire take-offs, and some of the internet’s first viral videos, twisting the bit’s tagline around everything from Transformers to a Jewish brit milah, but Anheuser-Busch even followed up with their own riffs, like this yuppie-themed one.

That was right before Bush trashed America, though, and in “Wassup 2008,” above, Stone and his boys, having suffered the last eight years’ untrammeled evil, return jobless, absent health insurance, mired in Iraq, grasping at vanishing 401Ks, and helplessly battling what looks like Hurricane Katrina’s big sister—until, at the piece’s end, they get a glimpse of the dawning Obama Age.

It’s probably the best satire of the original ad yet. I don’t know what’s cooler: The way Stone densely packs each escalating moment of the new work with biting commentary, or that, effectively, he’s doing this on Budweiser heiress Cindy McCain’s dime.

Obama and McCain Are Locked in Vicious B-Boy Battle to the Very End.

“Can’t touch this!”

“I’m fresh!”

It’s getting tight out there on the campaign trail, with Obama and McCain fighting it out for every single vote. But when it comes down to it, there’s really only one way to settle a campaign so harshly contested: A dance-off, plus an extra-special tie-breaker!